About Us

Meet the visionary behind our company, Dave Saley. A native of New Jersey whose journey through the world of construction and restoration has shaped him into a true authority in the field.

Dave’s story begins with a passion for carpentry, leading him to establish his first company at the remarkable age of 20. Over the span of 35 years, he has honed his expertise in new construction, residential, and commercial projects, earning a distinguished reputation for excellence.

The turning point in Dave’s career came in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, an event that not only impacted his own residence but left his neighbors bewildered. Responding to this crisis, Dave redirected his focus to specialize in water, fire, and mold restoration while accumulating an impressive 12 years of experience in insurance restoration and remediation. Due to the unfathomable amount of water damage to buildings, comes the knowledge and understanding of mold growth and air toxins and the harm it can cause.

Dave is a mold testing inspector who has witnessed the damage that mold and air toxins can have on our building structures as well as our health. Choosing our mold testing company means gaining the expertise and understanding of a seasoned professional like Dave. With Precision Environmental Consulting, you can trust that your mold testing needs are put in the best hands in New Jersey.

Dave Saley | Owner

Need Mold Testing In New Jersey?

We offer environmental air testing & inspections in Middlesex county, Monmouth county, and the surrounding areas of New Jersey.